Policy Talks 2023
The Convening
April 27, 2023
10:00 am - 4:30 pm
Medical Cannabis Research and Education at State Universities
Many states have adopted new and more permissive cannabis laws. This has prompted new industry and new cause for cannabis policy and education. Many universities, in turn, are involved or interested in cannabis research.
But continued federal prohibition has resulted in a legal grey area around cannabis, and moral questions around appropriate cannabis use and promotion remain unsettled. This uncertainty frustrates university efforts to research and educate about cannabis and to advise the industry and wider public.
In partnership with the National Center for Cannabis Research and Education, this year's Policy Talks event aims to identify, analyze, and untangle key issues around university involvement in cannabis research and education. We'll bring together industry experts, medical professionals, lawyers, advocates, politicians, and academic researchers to explore the university's legal, moral, and civic role in society's new relationship with cannabis.

About Policy Talks
Policy Talks bring together industry experts, academics, officials, and community members to focus on the ethical issues surrounding a timely topic and to seek informed solutions from a variety of perspectives and fields. Through a day of presentations and conversations, participants learn about recent industry practices, explore current academic educational and research models, and consider ethical challenges and goals. Policy Talks provide a unique opportunity for participants to network and engage in collaborative recommendations, “best practices” guidelines, and ethically-informed policy solutions.
Senior Executive Director of Pharmacy, Laboratory and Medical Research, Doylestown Health
Director, Master’s Degree and Certificate Programs in Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of CO, Anschutz
Program Director, MS in Medical Cannabis Science and Business, Thomas Jefferson University
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