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Policy Talks 2019

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The Convening
April 26, 2019
5:30 - 7:30 pm

Religious Freedom Laws

Religious Freedom Laws have been proposed in a variety of states. The stated purpose of the legislation is to ensure freedom of faith and practice for religious believers. Because of the complex ways that individuals interact in public contexts such as schools, businesses, and health care, there are important ethical questions about how these laws impact others. Given the variance of the laws across states, we will focus on Religious Freedom Laws in Mississippi for this convening. Join us to hear experts in law, religious studies, sociology, and the business community examine this legislation, discuss the ethical issues, and offer their policy recommendations for Mississippi residents.


University of Mississippi Faculty 
Alumni and Private Industry
Academics and Officials


The Self Family
University Lecture Series

The work of The Center for Practical Ethics is generously supported by
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hume Bryant.

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